sábado, 24 de agosto de 2019

Summery Jumpsuit

¡Muy buenas! Ya llegamos al final de agosto, y con ello, el final de las vacaciones de muchos. El otro día aproveché para estrenar este mono de la web de Dresslily, me sorprendió lo bonito que es y queda con el precio que tiene (13 eur), la verdad es que me encanta, este sí es más de mi estilo que el vestido que os enseñé la última vez. Espero que os gusten las fotos y recordad seguidme en mi instagram @anableng
*¡Para el link al mono id al final del post!

Hi again!! It's the end of August already and with that, the end of most of our holidays. I decided to wear this beautiful jumpsuit the other day for the first time. It's from Dresslily and it really surprised me because it's really cheap (just 13 eur) and the quality is so nice. This one is more similar to my style than the dress from the last post. I hope you like the pictures and remember to follow me on my instagram @anableng
*You can find the link of the jumpsuit at the end of the post! xoxo

Here are the new arrival:

It's time to refresh your wardrobe! DressLily prepare the best high-quality but low-prices products for you, make you free under all occasion for Monday to Friday

3. Free Shipping for orders over $45.00 
20% Discount code: GBJKNO

($30-$6,$50-$10, $80-$16, $100-$20, $150-$30, $200-$40, $300-$60")

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2019

Polka dots dress

Yeeeeepa. Muy buenas. Vuelvo de las vacaciones y estaba deseando enseñaros dos cositas que me llegaron de la web de Dresslily. Una de ellas es este vestido, que aunque lo escogí sabiendo que no era para nada mi estilo, también pensé que podía quedar bonito. Y como me gusta probar cosas nuevas... Como veréis seguía llevando mis anillacos de calaveras aunque no peguen mucho con el estilo del vestido, pero así soy yo :D
**Por cierto el vestido está ahora mismo a 15 euros y la calidad está genial
(os dejo el link al final de las fotos).
Espero que os gusten las fotos. Feliz agosto (:

Heyyyyy. Hi everyone! I'm back from my holidays and I couldn't wait anymore to show you two items I received from the website Dresslily. One of them is this dress I'm showing you today. Although I chose it knewing it is far from being my style, I also thought it was beautiful. And I always like to try new things, so... As you can see, I'm still wearing my big skull rings although I'm aware they're not the best to fit this style, but this is who I am :D
**Btw the dress is 15 eur right now and the quality is so nice. Check the link at the end of the post!!
Hope you like the pictures. Have a nice August (:

Here are the new arrival:

It's time to refresh your wardrobe! DressLily prepare the best high-quality but low-prices products for you, make you free under all occasion for Monday to Friday

3. Free Shipping for orders over $45.00 
20% Discount code: GBJKNO

($30-$6,$50-$10, $80-$16, $100-$20, $150-$30, $200-$40, $300-$60")